Configuring RJE - Common questions

These common questions are typically associated with configuring RJE. If you can't find the answer to your question here, click the Index or Search tab of the Help to search for a specific word or phrase.

See also:

LU macro formula

To define RJE LUs, enter the LU macro. Use this formula to calculate the number of LUs needed:

number of LUs = total printers + total punches + total readers + 2

Each LU requires a separate LU macro instruction. The number of RJE sessions that can be simultaneously active equals the number of LUs you define. The number of printers, punches, and readers are specified on the RJE Description tab. You must specify two extra LUs for sending commands from the keyboard and receiving console messages.

To see how many LUs you are currently using, from the RJE Configuration Utility's Communication Link tab, click NCP and Physical Unit. In the definition, view either the MAXLU number or the number of LU names, depending on your link type.

Solving MAXDATA mismatch problems

When attempting to connect to the host, you can have the following problems:

These problems occur as a result of MAXDATA parameter inconsistencies across the SNA connection. The MAXDATA parameter inconsistencies cause data truncation The beginning or end of a series of characters or numbers are cut off. Unlike rounding, a number shortening process where the rightmost digit can be increased, truncation involves only eliminating numbers and characters. or parsing delays and problems.

Ask the host programmer and network analyst to verify and adjust the MAXDATA parameter in JES, VTAM and the network routers, and the host's BUFSIZE parameter. After these parameters have been set, change MAXDATA in RJE to the same value using the following steps. For more information, see the Communication link parameters and Remote definition topics.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Under the Connection column, select the connection type and click Modify. The Connection Properties dialog box displays.

  3. On the Communication Link tab, under Connection, click Configure.

  4. Under VTAM parameters (PU macro), select the appropriate value in the MAXDATA drop-down list.

The maximum MAXDATA value for Ethernet is 1492, so you must select a value less than that.

  1. Click OK twice and then click Close.

See also: Configuring VTAM

Adding the $ sign or * sign before host commands

You can specify the first character of a host command on the RJE Configuration Utility's Commands tab. When using the RJE Console, the software will automatically add the specified character to the beginning of each command you issue.

Specifying a class for a device

Specify a class for the device on the RJE Configuration Utility's Device Properties dialog box or create an override table that will assign a class value.