Learning about the RJE Configuration Utility

Use the RJE Configuration Utility to configure, import, and export RJE connections. When you add or modify a connection, the RJE Configuration Utility tabs display with connection-specific information. The RJE Configuration Utility consists of this opening screen and six configuration tabs: the RJE Description tab, Communication Link tab, Device Control tab, Forms tab, Commands tab, and the Connection Control tab.

You must be a member of the local Administrators group to operate the RJE Configuration Utility. If you are assigned the Configure - RJE user access right on the computer to which you are trying to connect, but are not a member of the Administrators group, the RJE Configuration Utility will operate in read-only mode.

Users with the appropriate rights can remotely view or modify RJE configurations. This could potentially cause a problem, because changes can be made by multiple users at the same time. To ensure the correct changes are applied, we recommend selecting one user to make configuration changes for a specified connection. For some configuration changes to take effect, you must restart the host connection.

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RJE Configuration Utility

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See also:

RJE connection

The following shortcuts are available in the connection list: right-click to display a menu with connection-specific options, double-click to modify the connection configuration, and single-click twice to rename the connection. If there are no connections defined on the selected computer, the RJE connection box will display the following message: No connections defined.


Link Type


