Configuration Utility - Spool and Retain tab

Use this tab to configure spool and retain options. Spool options include folder location and job splitting. Retain options include folder location and the retain period. You can access this tab from the Configuration Utility.

Changes do not take effect until SpoolCore is restarted. Depending on the nature of the changes, there can be a 20-second delay when restarting the service.

To view this tab, you must have the appropriate user access rights.

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Spool and Retain Tab

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See also:


Specifies where spool documents will reside until they are routed, and where documents will be stored after they are routed or deleted.

The setup program creates the default folders. If you want to use different folders, you need to specify the folder names in the Configuration Utility. Once you exit the Configuration Utility and restart the SpoolCore service, the folders you specified are created, if the do not already exist. The default folders are located on the local hard drive. If you want to define these folders elsewhere on the network, you must first set up the connection between the SpoolCore computer and a network user account.

Click the folder button to choose a different spool folder. When you exit the Configuration Utility and restart the BARR SpoolCore service, the folder you specify gets created.

Click the folder button to choose a different retain folder. You can put the retain folder on the same drive where the spool folder resides, if disk space permits, or you can put it on a different drive. When you exit the Configuration Utility and restart the SpoolCore service, the folder you specified is created.

If you change the retain options, you must restart the SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect. Depending on the nature of the changes, there can be a 20-second delay when restarting the service.

If your computer’s disk becomes full before the retention period is reached, you may need to decrease the retention period.

Retain period

Specifies whether to move documents to the retain folder after they are routed or deleted from the spool queue. You can also specify the length of time documents remain in the retain folder. When retain is enabled, documents are retained by default, unless you choose to delete after printing.

The date and time that displays in the Retain Window is used when processing the retain period. The date and time is either based on when the job was created (arrived in spool), or when the job was retained (if the Use current date and time option is selected).

When retain is enabled, all files that are routed or deleted from the spool queue are sent to the retain folder. Files with creation dates past the Retain period will be purged during the next purge process.

Retain view

Specifies what retained documents to display. The date and time that displays in the Retain Window is used when processing the retain view period. The date and time is either based on when the job was created (arrived in spool), or when the job was retained (if the Use current date and time option is selected).


Specifies what date and time to use for recreated documents, and allows documents to be deleted from the retain folder.

Job splitting

Job splitting can be used to split text jobs, AFP jobs, and jobs containing Xerox Metacode or LCDS data. Job splitting allows multiple printers to print critical jobs quickly, always splitting on page and boundaries. Job splitting is enabled on a data set by data set basis using the NDHBSPLIT - Split data set header field. Any data set with a valid page count, and that supports reprint ranges, can be split.

The Print jobs while receiving data option on the Spool Printers tab is automatically disabled for data sets with the NDHBSPLIT field set. The data set is fully received, indexed if needed, and split into the desired number of parts. It is then routed to printers.

The job splitting feature must be purchased separately. If you have purchased this module, make sure you upgrade your hardware key. Contact a Barr sales representative for an upgrade code, and then use Key Client to add the additional module.

Number of splits

Specifies the number of times you want the job to be split. You can select a number between 2 and 7. Each split must contain the minimum number of pages split specified below. For example, if you configure job splitting to split jobs 3 times with a minimum page count of 5 and then print a 10 page job, the job will be split twice, each split containing 5 pages. The default value is 2.

Minimum pages per split

Specifies the minimum pages per split. The software will split the job as evenly as possible, with all portions of the job containing at least this number of pages. The value specified must be greater than 0. The default value is 10.

Pages per sheet

If you are splitting duplex or n-up jobs, this option specifies the number of pages per sheet that will be printed on a sheet of paper. This option does not support mixplex jobs. The value specified must be between 1 and 99. The default value is 2.

Disk Settings button

Sets the minimum free disk space settings. Displays the Disk Settings dialog box.