BARR/PRINT to EPS - Common questions

These common questions are typically associated with BARR/PRINT to EPS. If you can't find the answer to your question here, click the Index or Search tab of the Help to search for a specific word or phrase.

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Header fields populated when files are transmitted using BARR/PRINT to EPS

Barr Print to EPS sends the following header fields to the printer.

Sending test jobs using command-line LPR

A common troubleshooting technique is to use command line LPR to send test jobs to a Xerox EPS printer. The Xerox EPS printer has a predefined print server name and a predefined queue name, both of which are needed to complete this task. According to pages 1-2 of the Xerox technical manual, Xerox DocuPrint Enterprise Printing System - Using the LPR Utilities for DOS and UNIX, the predefined print server name is printsrv and the predefined default queue name is proofqueue. For example, use the following syntax to use LPR for sending a common text file, such as bootlog.txt, to an EPS printer:

LPR -S printsrv -P proofqueue C:\BOOTLOG.TXT

The host name and IP address for the DocuSP controller need to be defined in the HOSTS file on the DocuSp controller of the EPS printer. Queue names and print servers names are case sensitive. File names are not case sensitive.

Determining the job name

The job name that is sent to the Xerox EPS is processed in the following order.

BARR/PRINT to EPS first searches the NDHDJNAM - Custom job name field for the job name. This field is useful because it accepts long file names. If the field is populated, the Xerox EPS will truncate the job name at 128 characters. If the field is blank, the NJHGJNAM - Job name field is checked for data. If that field is also blank, the Xerox EPS Jobname field is populated with the text JOBNAME.