Getting started with SPOOL

You need to configure BHCS before you use it for the first time. Thereafter, you can change the configuration settings as your operational needs change.

Use the following steps to set up BHCS with the minimum required features for printing a test file.

See also:

Assigning user access rights

Before you can configure or operate BHCS, you must be logged on as the system administrator to have full user access rights, or the system administrator must grant you the corresponding user access rights. Also determine which network users will be permitted access to various BHCS features. You will use this information when you set up user access rights.

  1. Compile a list of user names and corresponding domains.

  2. Determine the type of tasks each user needs to perform. For example, can a specified user only view the list of spool files, or can they delete spool documents, disable spool printers, and change configuration information? Some tasks require additional rights. For example, to configure RJE you must be a member of the local Administrators group.

  3. Organize users who will perform the same tasks into local or domain groups. Create the groups and assign users to them. You can now assign the appropriate user rights.

Starting spool operation

When you open the Spool Window the SpoolCore service starts, if it is not already started. When the SpoolCore service is started, BHCScan receive and route spool documents.

Defining a printer

To add a Windows printer, you must be a member of the Administrators group.

If you already have printers defined on your computer, you can skip this step. If your computer is not already set up to print, you need to define a local or network printer. Identify the devices you will use as sources and destinations for spool documents. You will use this information when you set up Windows and BHCS printers.

Once you have determined your source and destination devices, see the Getting started with printers topic for more information.

Enabling the retain feature

Use the Configuration Utility to enable the spool Retain feature, so you can use the test file more than once.

Printing test documents

After you run the setup program, you can print a Barr-supplied test file. You can also use Print Utility to send an ASCII test file to the spool. Select how you want to send the file to the spool and complete the following steps.

Printing the Simple test document

These steps tell you how to print the Simple Printer Test included in the print document named SIMPLE. This test assumes you have successfully defined a spool printer that works for 3211-type mainframe printers and desktop laser printers. For desktop laser printers, this test prints in portrait mode, so the printout is truncated to 80-character lines.

Before you print the SIMPLE test file, set up the retain feature or copy the file so you can print it again later if you have not already done so.

To print the file, complete the following steps to match the attributes of the printer and the document.

  1. Set the spool printer Class to A by double-clicking the printer’s Class column and typing A.

  2. Set the spool printer to Ready by right-clicking the printer row and selecting Ready.

  3. Set the SIMPLE file’s state to Ready by right-clicking the document row and selecting Ready. The SIMPLE document will print to the selected printer and the file will be retained in the specified folder.

Using Print Utility to send an ASCII file to the spool

Print Utility sends files to the spool. It converts files to the internal BHCS format and adds document attributes that you select.

To test this feature, create a simple ASCII file using the Windows Notepad accessory.

Complete the following steps to send an ASCII text file to the spool.

  1. Open the Spool Window.

  2. On the menu bar, select Tools | Print Utility.

  3. Select the Manual Spooling tab, and then click Add.

    Manual Spooling Tab

  4. Navigate to the folder that contains the ASCII file, select the file, and click Open.

  5. From the Format tab, select Standard ASCII, and then click OK. The selected file briefly displays in the Manual Spooling tab’s Files currently spooling list. It disappears quickly, so you might not see it display.

  6. Click OK. The spooled document displays in the Spool Window’s document list.

  7. To print the document, set the document and printer criteria to match, and change their states to Ready.