If the printer being defined is using a Barr-supplied port, then the Print directly to the printer setting must be enabled. If the printer is not using a Barr-supplied port or if the printer is a network printer, you will need to review the advantages and disadvantages to determine your individual need for this setting. You can set this option from the Windows Printers folder.
This option can only be enabled once all of the active jobs have been removed from the printer's spool.
Allows the Barr spooler to recover from printing errors. Without this setting, jobs are submitted to the Windows spooler and error messages are not returned to the Barr spooler. If the setting is selected, the Barr spooler will enable you to reprint the affected pages when an error occurs. This option is not available in the Windows spooler.
Prevents data from being written to disk in the Windows spool queue. Without this setting, a copy of the job will reside in two places: the Barr spool folder and the Windows spooler folder. The disk space required to print multiple copies of the same job can be significant. For example, without the option you would need 500-MB of disk space to print 50 copies of a 10-MB data file. Using the Barr spooler and setting the option would create only 1 file using 10-MB of disk space.
When printing directly from a program, the program will block until the print job is complete. If another job is already printing, the program will also be blocked until the previous print job is complete. If the printer is going to be shared, or if jobs are bypassing the Barr Host Communications Suite spooler, use caution before selecting this setting.
Use caution before selecting this setting if the printer is attached to a print server and shared. Depending on server permissions, changing the setting on the client can also change the setting on the server, thus affecting all users who print to that printer.
Complete the following steps to enable the Windows Print directly to the printer setting.
Open the Printers folder, if it is not already displayed.
Right-click the desired printer with a Barr port and select Properties.
From the printer's Properties dialog box, select the Advanced tab.
In the middle of the dialog box, select Print directly to the printer.
Click OK.